
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker


Word for the Year

If you happen to visit my sure you read all the entries for December 31, 2008...I am on a roll.

Again...I was blog hopping and came across this blog (
...take a read. THEN...determine what your word for 2009 will be...leave me a comment.

My word for the you may read in posts Align


Spelled Pronunciation [uh-lahyn] –verb (used with object)

1. to arrange in a straight line; adjust according to a line.

2. to bring into a line or alignment. bring into cooperation or agreement with a particular group, party, cause, etc

I want to be aligned to God and His purpose for my life.
I want to be aligned to a healthy lifestyle.
I want to be aligned to my husband.
I want to be aligned to other memeber's of my family, friends, collegues.
Ok...leave me YOUR Word for 2009. I am going to talk with Andrea and see if we can do a GIVE A WAY!!!! Andrea makes jewelry and I will work with her to have the winners WORD created!
It will be drawn from the comments!!! WHAT FUN!!!

Project 365

As I was blog jumping this afternoon, I came across a great post. Thought I would share with you...365 Project

I plan to start January 1, 2009. How many of you will start??? Let's keep up with each others' projects and see how they evolve...let me hear from you. Please leave a comment of "commitment" to this project. SOUNDS TOO COOL!!!

So let's GO!

Found another site...great idea!

Getting Aligned in 2009

Where will the road take me in this new year?
On the brink of a new most favorite word picture comes to mind. I have now adopted "Getting Aligned in 2009" as my New Year's Slogan. But...back to the word picture. Get the image of being a car or vehicle. There are four tires...and this is where the image gets important. Each tire represents a part of life. Tire One will represent being the Spiritual Tire...the Second Tire - Mental Tire...Third = Emotional Tire and finally the Fourth Tire - Physcial Tire. Imagine going down the road of life with a flat tire or a tire being overly filled. The ride would be very uncomfortable, gas mileage...not good, and the destination may not be reached.
I desire to get aligned in these areas in the upcoming new year. here is where I have to be vulnerable and tell all about my ride! physcial tire is flat...and my emotional tire is so pumped up it is close to a blow out! It will take being an expert mechanic...but I am willing to work on it!
Here is my plan for keeping my ride smooth!
1) Physical tire - I am joing Weight Watchers January 5th and plan to lose 70 pounds. I also will start "moving" instead of sitting around!
1 Corinthians 6:19
19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
2)Spiritual tire - Prayer and Bible Reading is the roadway to a better relationship with God and His son, Jesus. I will depend on the Holy Spirit as I align myself to Him.
John 5:39-40
39You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,
3) Emotinal tire - HERE is the tire that gives me the most is always over filled. I know that God gives the gifts, but the enemy can get in there a mess them up. I will work on my "feelings." How often do I get angry over nothing, sad watching a commercial, hilariously happy, or fretful? I want to be a RESPONDER...not a REACTOR!
James 1:25-27 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
4) Mental tire - I realize to give my emotional tire in better shape, my mental tire needs to be utilized more often. To be aligned in '09...I will have to make a choice to be more mental when trials, disagreements, confusion, well...You get the picture! The choice is MINE!
Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
I am ready to continue my trip through life, more aligned in 2009!


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to YOU! I hope anyone who stops by virtually will know I am wishing you a great day. I pray that you will spend time with family and friends.

Thank you God for the gift you gave us...Jesus Christ, your Son.



It was fun and not much trouble to grab the METRO and travel to downtown Washington. We rode the Blue Line from King Street to the Smithsonian stop where we visited the Holocaust Museum. What a sobering experience! It is amazing to realize how bad humans can be!

We then boarded the Blue Line and got off at the Arlington Cemetary. For those who have never experienced the Changing of the Guard take a look:
I did not do this video but it gives you an idea...when we were there it was 5:00 pm the last change...the sun was going down and there were only about 10 onlookers. It was awesome.

Back on the BLUE LINE to Capitol South stop and 4 miles of walking around the monuments. Our nations capitol is wonderful. I am so proud to be an American!
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Washington DC at night

What a wonderful time to be in DC! Cathy Davis, Denise Sibley (from RCU) and Chris Wall (from MDE) and I spent 5 days at National Staff Development Council Conference. It was a wonderful session and also spent some time site seeing. The Christmas tree I am standing by is the Mississippi Tree in front of the White House.

We had to travel by water taxi back to our hotel...the lights in the distance in one of the snapshots it the Gaylord Hotel - National.

Riding on the Metro I heard several conversations of preparations for the Inaugural coming up in January. One young lady was telling her friend that she had put her apartment on Craig's List for $10,000.00. She is within walking distance to the Capitol. They are projecting that over 4 million visitors will be there...I bet she gets her money!
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It was a sad day, but it did give us a chance to have a family picture together. I guess this
is the first one in a long time. Amy Sesser (Brandon's wife)then Brandon, Marilyn, Kacy, Ryan with Daley his son in front of him. There is Rain in front of Daley and Brent.

Please continue to pray for my children as they walk through the loss of their dad.
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Remembering Royce

Royce Scott Sesser (08.31.48 - 11.29.08) We were married for 24 years of his life. We had four precious children, Ryan (34), Kacy (32), Brandon (28), and Brent (25). We also had 2 grandchildren, Daley (12) and Rain (4).

Since Michelle, his wife of 11 years called me last Saturday morning to share the sad news, I have spent many hours remembering. Even though the water was rough that ran under our bridge, I'll have to say "the ride" was worth it.

He used to say..."I've been married to Marilyn for X amount of years...and 2 of them were happy!" Proposed to be a is almost true. I don't want to spend the last few hours thinking of our rocky marriage...I want to share what God has done in the last few months.

Several Saturdays ago, I made the trip to the Veteran's Memorial Home, where Royce was the last few months since he suffered a stroke. I had not seen him in several years. I am so grateful I took the time to visit him and spend a few minutes with him along with Brandon, Brent and Ryan. I was saddened as I watched him in his suffering. God knew more than I, the visit would be the last.

Also, Michelle has been so considerate of my children and me by including us on every move and plan she makes about the funeral...which will be December 3, 2008 at Annunciation in Columbus, MS at 11:00am. I will always be grateful to Michelle for including me and our children in Royce's farewell.

I praise God for the good times Royce and I shared together. I would not be who I am today had he not traveled through my life. God, be merciful and welcome Royce to abide with you.
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Happy Birthday DD!

Tomorrow most of us will be celebrating Thanksgiving...but someone special will also be celebrating a birthday. My dad, Clarence Edward Dossett will be 86 years old. I had the pleasure to travel to Houston, TX this past week-end with my brother Sammy (from Hattiesburg) and my oldest son, Ryan. Dad is having some health issues, but Helen is so wonderful to keep them under control. I will have to say, if it wasn't for Helen, I am pretty sure he might not still be with us. Thank you Helen!

I have often listed the wonderful memories about a person on their for each year. So, here goes!

1. My dad loves the Lord.
2. He taught me how to drive.
3. I was his favorite (tee hee).
4. He loved my mother, even when it was hard.
5. He took me to church.
6. He can remember every joke he ever knew....only 80 more to go!
7. People smile when he is around.
8. He is kind.
9. He is quick to say he is sorry!
10. He would read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve when I was young.
11. Dad loved sports. (ones he could watch on TV)
12. He asked me to sing my first solo (when I was 8) for his Sunday School open assembly.
13. I had a car.
14. He always acted like he was proud of me.
15. He loves my children.
16. He took me on a business trip to Miami when I was 13.
17. Dad taught me about life.
18. He gave me away at my wedding, and cried.
19. He believed in people and gave them chances to improve thier lives.
20. Dad shared with others.
21. He was very intellegent.
22. I was proud of his accomplishments, even though he left high school.
23. I would have loved to see him on the ship when he was in the Navy.
24. Dad loved watching his sons play ball.
25. He was always easy to talk to.
26. Dad continues to read the Bible and desires to be a better person.
27. He loves music.
28. Everytime I see him, he gives me something.
29. When we talk on the phone, he shares a tidbit of spiritual understanding.
30. He worked hard.
31. When life dealt lemons, he prayed.
32. He taught me life was worth going after.
33. He paid for my college.
34. He would have the leaves raked every Thanksgiving for the grandchildren to jump in.
35. He has friends.
36. I love the way Helen and Dad have such love.
37. He gets sick if he sees blood.
38. He proved me wrong...and was great at taking care of my mother after her stroke.
39. The church was very important to him.
40. He cries.
41. When I ran for Treasurer in High School, he paid for an airplane to drop flyers asking for votes over the high school. (I won...)
42. He made me believe I could do anything.
43. He didn't interfere in my marriage gone wrong.


44. Dad continues to want to learn.
45. Never yelled at me.
46. Spanked me one time...but diciplined me other ways.
47. How could I have gone this long without mentioning...HE is a GREAT Cook!
48. He likes things neat.
49. He always choped up things when mother was cooking.
50. Dad respected all people.
51. He was born in Moselle, MS.
52. My brothers loved and respected my dad and would do anything for him.
53. He opened an all black theather in the late 50's.
54. Dad was respected.
55. He continue to prays for me, his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.
56. I can still remember the late night scary movies and he would sneak outside to knock on the window close to where I sat.
57. He tried a big garden in my teens...and still laughs at his inabilities!
58. He loved his mother and dad.
59. Dad has taught me to forgive others.
60. He still feels sorry for things he did wrong in his life.
61. I remember him becoming an umpire when Mom and I were not seeing eye to eye.
62. His loving me, caused me to understand the Love of God.
63. He let me cry on his shoulder when Ken broke up with me, Marvin didn't take me out, Tommy moved on, and Royce divorced me.
64. Was married to my mother for over 50 years.
65. Loves Helen in a very special way.
66. Has lost a daughter to cancer, watched as a son battles it, and does not blame God.
67. Spends hours listening to music.
68. Reads.
69. He would let me honk the horn on the gravel road behind Mama Dossett's house to let them know we were coming.
70. He would (and does) remind me that healthy eating is important.
71. I never heard my dad say a cuss word...I just thought of that.
72. Is going to join Mom and Judy in Heaven one day.
73. Dad has very good manners.
74. Dad appreciates the finer things of life and worked hard to provide them to Mom and his family.
75. He loves Jesus, and is not ashamed to talk of Him.
76. He thought the lemon pie I would make him were the best he had ever eaten.
77. He let me sleep with mom when I was afraid. (which was often)
78. Dad is fun to be around.
79. He loved the preachers of our church and respected their ministry.
80. Dad was understanding when mother wasn't.
81. I remember when Dad grew a beard for the centenial of our town...I guess that was the only one I saw on him...clean shaven guy!
82. Dad loves his family.
83. I am a better person due to his teachings.
84. Dad always cleaned up after himself. (maybe Mother trained him?)
85. He has touched the lives of others by anonomous gifts.
86. his 86th....I am proud to call him DAD!


Happy Thanksgiving

Get a Voki now!



I fell off the blogging wagon and did not complete my idea of a letter a post for OCTOBER...BUT, Hey, it worked out! is starting to turn cold in Mississippi...frost on the pumpkins.

BER - witches and goblins will be visiting my back door requesting candy.

BER - NovemBER is around the corner...with thoughts of Holidays and families.

This week-end alot of company expected...I will post and add pictures as they happen!

Finally...please pray for the upcoming election next week.

"If my people will humble themselves and pray, I will restore their land!"


Here is another O...this is the tower on the way up to our seats at the top of the Alabama University Stadium...Bryant Denny maybe? We rode on a 10 seater golf cart....It was scarier than a ride at the MS STATE FAIR. Talk about nose bleed section.
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October - O

Another O in October. As I look around, the O word is ORANGE. The orange pumpkins that are showing up on doorsteps, orange leaves that are popping out on the trees as autumn is here and the orange and brown plaid shirt found on the scarecrows in front yard harvest displays.

But, let me share another orange great. This fall morning, with a nip in the air was just right for Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls. If you love warm pastries, fresh from the oven, then try these orange rolls.
OMG (oh my gosh) starts with O also. I finally did it! I have looked and looked at cameras, and have finally bought one. With ORANGE being the word in my mind for the second O in October...I found myself taking pictures of orange items. Here are a few...

More Pictures to come.....


October - T

The first "t" that came into my mind was the cross...I thank God for his son, Jesus, who willingly gave his life that I may have eteranl life. My decision was made when I was 6 years old at Fellowship Baptist Church (later renamed Parkway Baptist Church) in Natchez, MS. Through out the following 5oish years, Jesus has been close to me in all things. I pray that if you don't know HIM, you will email me or ask someone near about HIM.

Another T.....TEAM
I remember one of my sons having a team shirt with that saying on the back. There are some team efforts I find myself in for that motto! Work marriage is a team effort! How often a task would be lighter if the TOGETHER was an intregal part in the activity.
One more written earlier... I am a member of an important team and God is the coach!


October - C

Myspace Glitters Well...what a difference a couple of days make. I am moving from sharing a recipe on the O to thinking about calories for letter the "c" in October. How many calories do I need a day? Visit http://biggestloser to calculate. Charles (another C) and I have started to look at how unhealthy we are and how much we need to lose weight, exercise, and get healthier.

So...I am committing (another C) to working with Charles to determine what we need to eat to lose weight and live a healthier life. I will keep you all posted on the Bowen's Biggest Loser Blog!

I am not sure how I got back to eating without thinking! Does anyone else find themselves at this state. I don't eat because I am hungry! I eat because I'm bored...tired...sad...mad...happy! HA! here goes.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. My prayer is for God to help me accomplish this!

Glitter Text Generator



I love this time of year...autumn! I am going to take a letter of October each post and create a thought for that day.

Oreo Truffles
Fall is in the air...cheese dip, and holiday foods!

My neice, Tammi Dossett, introduced me to Oreo Truffles last Christmas. I have "make truffles" on my Holiday To Do List (Kacy...when you come home from Chicago!). I want to share this O from October with you all!


1 lb Oreo cookies (3 sleeves)
8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (using different extracts allows for subtle flavour changes...I've used mint extract, upped to 1 tsp) (optional)
1 lb milk chocolate
1/2 lb white chocolate

  1. Using a food processor, grind cookies to a fine powder.
  2. With a mixer, blend cookie powder, cream cheese and vanilla extract until thoroughly mixed (there should be no white traces of cream cheese).
  3. Roll into small balls and place on wax-lined cookie sheet.
  4. Refrigerate for 45 minutes.
  5. Line two cookie sheets with wax paper.
  6. In double-boiler, melt milk chocolate.
  7. Dip balls and coat thoroughly.
  8. With slotted spoon, lift balls out of chocolate and let excess chocolate drip off.
  9. Place on wax-paper-lined cookie sheet.
  10. In separate double boiler, melt white chocolate.
  11. Using a fork, drizzle white chocolate over balls.
  12. Let cool.
  13. Store in airtight container, in refrigerator.

OK...I want pictures and reports on who makes these and your opinion! Also...if I need to be a taster...;-)

Recipe from Recipezaar I found lots of sites with the recipe, but I liked the comments and suggestions found on this site!


Savage Chickens

I'm sure you might remember my love for chickens. If you are new to my blog refer back to The Chicks. Well tonight I was visiting new friends blogs, branching out on their bloglists and ended on Smiling Sally and found Savage Chickens. How awesome is this?! Visit his post it note cartoon site.


Let's Get together....YEA YEA YEA.... click on the link on the left that says 'follow this blog'. I will be following yours too! Thanks:)


Brian and Brent
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Brian and Melissa


This is a test. I see all the blog sites with signatures and I came across a site to create one. So this is a test to determine how to add my signature. Here goes...

Doesn't look too good on my blue...but I will play around with the site and create one that may look better. Take a few minutes and create YOUR Signature!

Check this one out:

Free Personal signatures - cool!



TV Update

Someone asked me today...well, what about the TV? We recently received the credit card bill...and YES...half of the cost of a TV was there. I guess I should be grateful they split the cost. OK, should I turn the story over to FOX and FRIENDS?


Tina as Palin

I am afraid this Skit may even HELP Palin...I am pretty sure that WAS not the intent. TOO FUNNY

Birthday Thank-You

Amy, Ashliegh, Betsey, Diane, Kelly, and Leanne

OK...I spent the wonderful Birthday gift card from Barnes & Noble. I am now listening to "The Condition" by Jennifer Haigh. View the video with the author about the book.

I am already picking up on the author's main theme of "condition." You are led to believe the condition of record is the disease the young daughter has...but AHHHH, there are many "conditions" in this story.

It was so hard to pick the right one...but I am enjoying this. Thank ya'll so much for making my birthday special and knowing JUST what would make me happy.


How neat! Now I see how I can create the scrapbook page and add it. I love it!
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Click to play Family
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

I am in trouble now...this is too COOL!!! I will be sharing this site with everyone I know. When you push play, I am using the free version which has advertising. Click the little button on the corner. This was a I will get better!

I saw this on a blog as I was lurking.. I agreed, that it would be a great way to let people know more about me.

7 things I plan to do before I die:

Lose 50 pounds
Run in a race.
Tell others about what God means to me
Help on a Habitat for Humanity house
Keep Learning
Show God's love to my children and grandchildren
Travel with Charles

7 things I can do:

Teach wonderful future teachers
Sing a song
Watch the birds
Sit in front of a computer
Pray for others
7 things I cannot do:

Fix peoples' problems
Be patient
Turn my face away from injustices
Run a marathon
Understand our government
Stop eating sweets
Watch scary movies

7 things I say most often:

I love you!
Can I get you something?
Let's Go!
Old dogs can learn new tricks.
Where is my phone?
Thank you, God.
7 celebrity crushes: HILARIOUS..

Tom Cruise...I must be at least a foot taller than him
Kevin Costner
Cesar Milon ?(Dog Whisperer! HA!)
Rocky Balboa...not Sylvester Stallone
Adam Sandler because of 50 First Dates
Mickey Mouse
Robert Redford
7 People who I want to know these things about
Melanie Smith
Donna Manning
Jenny Manning Holloway
Glenda Nadeu
Leanne Long
Susan Watson
anyone else who will take the time...


Birthday Wishes

September 5th was my birthday...OK mark your calendars for next year!!! HA!

Charles gave me a birthday card and the message was so meaningful to me so I want to pass it on to anyone who may pass this way!

I wish you these gifts on your birthday

Trust...that whatever happens, there is someone who will understand.
Honesty...the feeling that you never need to hold back. being accepted for who you really are. outlook more than appearance. be yourself, to change, and to grow. every day, in every memory, and in your hopes for the future. last a lifetime, and perhaps beyond. (no PERHAPS TO IT! ;-)

This is for you, too!


Thanks Glenda...a neat site

You Belong in 1988

Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.

Going back to the post about our trip to Dallas, TX. Melissa Watson provided the photo from our dinner at the Texas de Brazil. We had such a good time. In the picture...Brent Sesser, Marilyn Bowen, Charles Bowen, Brian Bowen, and Melissa Watson. I am ready to go back. THANKS MELISSA FOR THE PICTURE!


1969 was a great year!

TOO Funny! OK Donna and Glenda ... TAG You're IT. You have to go to this great site Yearbook Yourself! If the hair was a bit lighter...that is how I TRIED to wear my curly hair in the 60's. Yes, I ironed my hair...slept in large orange juice cans, and often tried to get my hair professionally straightened.
Brandon (3rd child is 1999 graduate) had a call from the committee planning a 10 year reunion for his hit me between the eyes...40 years for ME. I will be creating a blog to commemorate that event at a later date!


Kacy's article

I have to brag and share Kacy's article. She has moved to a different position at the NWI TIMES and is writing a column.

Kacy's article in the The Times Northwest Indiana

Dear China:
Wait -- let me say it again.Wow.The spectacle that was the 2008 Summer Olympics was incredible. The best by a long shot -- or long jump if you're into track and field.An appreciation for the Olympics has always been in my blood. I was born 48 hours before the 1976 Montreal Games. In fact, my first day home from the hospital was spent in my mother's arms watching the opening ceremony.I, of course, have no memory of Romania's 14-year-old Nadia Comaneci scoring seven perfect 10s or her three gold medals. But as soon as I was old enough to understand the significance of it all, my mother filled me in on every detail.

When I was 4 years old, the United States led a 60-country boycott of the Games in Moscow, unhappy with the Russians' 1979 war with Afghanistan. As a child, I couldn't comprehend what a boycott meant, but I do remember bits from the Freedom Games, held in Philadelphia.The red, white and blue stars from the logo of the 1984 Los Angeles Games will forever be emblazoned in my memory, as will the games themselves. Twenty-four years later, I still remember Mary Lou Retton winning the women's all-around title. Los Angeles was where my love affair with track and field began. It was Carl Lewis' first Olympics, and where I learned it was possible to win four gold medals just for running fast. I was 8. It was impressive.The 1988 Seoul Games introduced me to American swimmers Janet Evans and Matt Biondi. I still remember my parents' gasps when Greg Louganis hit his head during the 3M springboard final, then the relief as he went on to win gold.Four years later in Barcelona it was all about the "Dream Team." Now athletes I already knew by name -- Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and the like -- could join together to represent our country. And represent they did. I remember gymnast Shannon Miller being edged out by her Russian counterpart Tatiana Gutsu for the women's all-around gold. On the 20th anniversary of the Munich massacre, Yael Arad became the first Israeli to win an Olympic medal, winning silver in judo -- a symbol of just how far things had come into world.In 1996, the Olympics came close to home. I was still living with my family in Mississippi when the athletes paid a visit to Atlanta. Those Games were special for another reason -- my nephew Daley. Born right before the competition began, it was me who held him during the opening ceremony as Muhaamad Ali lit the torch. Atlanta brought more golds for Lewis, highlighted Michael Johnson's speed and allowed the world to fall in love with Kerri Strug, who vaulted into our hearts with a one-foot landing for gold.I remember the 2000 Sydney Games more for Australian athletes like aboriginal runner Cathy Freeman and 17-year-old swimmer Ian Thorpe. But I won't soon forget the United States' gold medal and world record by the 4x100 medley relay team led by swimmer Dara Torres -- in her "last" Olympics.By 2004 in Athens, my love of the Games -- gasp -- began to wane. I know that Michael Phelps swam, the United States basketball team was beaten by Argentina and China won its first-ever gold medal in track and field. But the excitement I had always felt, the Olympic spirit in my blood, was losing.Fast forward four years, and back to China ...It's weird to want to thank a country that we are so afraid of right now, but the Chinese government, athletes, architects and citizens deserve a big round of applause.Phelps' eight gold medals will always seem more beautiful for me because they came out of Beijing's magnificent Water Cube. Torres' silver medals will forever be sparkling like the building did at night.The Bird's Nest -- with its interesting interworkings of beams -- impressed with both the opening and closing ceremonies and the stunning spectacle of track and field events held there. My shouts of excitement for the come-from-behind win for the American women in the 4x400 relay to the tears that fell after Lolo Jones hit the ninth hurdle and lost the gold will always be tied to the Chinese.Though there was scandal, discontent and discord, the world still came together for two glorious weeks to celebrate hard work, sport and sacrifice.And as far as I'm concerned, my love of the Games is back -- in a big way.
Thank you China.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer.


September 1st

It is an effort...but I am back. After posting about Stella...I found it was hard to come back. But, favorite time of the year is here. So, I'm Back. I have to catch up with the three last weeks. Alot has gone on that I have not shared.

1st: All 6 grandchildren were at the house three week-ends ago. IT was so much fun to have them all there. My 12 year old grandsons are really changing from young boys to young men. Of course Rain (4 years old) caught some grief from being the youngest...boy do I remember that since I was the youngest also.

We swam, ate, played beauty shop (which the boys messed up), played ball, went to Racoon Ridge (just the boys) and shot Daley's BB Pistol. I was not good with BB guns as a can imagine how bad I am as a grandmother!

Thanks Brooke for taking the pictures for me. I kept telling the kids...that's all I want is a picture of ALL of you. Thanks Daley, Rain, Brett, Ally, Claire, and Kali for Mimi's pictures!

NEXT: Charles and I had being making plans to visit Brian and Melissa in Dallas, TX. So on August 22, 2008 we took off from Eupora at 7:30am to Dallas. Of course there had to be issues. I was following Charles (I was taking Brent's truck to him...more about that later) I noticed my back tire (Charles was driving my car) was low. We took it home, traded stuff into Charles' truck and we were off again.

The 8ish hour drive was not bad. Charles, so good with directions, took us straight to Brian and Melissa's downtown apartment. On Friday night Charles and I had our first experience with SUSHI ZUSHI on Turtle Creek. Kacy, I owe you an apology!!! You have tried to get me to eadt Sushi with you for years...OMG! It was favorites on their menu...Bora Bora and Cajun something...thanks Brian and Melissa.

On Saturday morning, I woke early to go pick up Brent at Sheppards Air Force Base, two hours away. He was excited about getting his pick-up and I was excited about seeing him. On Saturday night we went to Texas de Brazil Since Charles and family had lived in Brazil when Brian was little, we had looked forward to them being able to eat down memory lane. It was enjoyable hearing them speak portugese and talk about different memories. Brent and I just enjoyed the food. We had our picture taken...and as soon as Melissa finds her cord to her camera...I will add to the blog.

We left for home on Sunday. Good bye Dallas, Brent, Brian, Melissa...and Olympics closing ceremony.


Our Stella

It is with sadness that I share we have lost our Stella on 08.08.08. She was outside and of course the unthinkable happened. She was hit by a car. Thankfully, she never saw it coming nor suffered. Charles and I shed tears this morning remembering how she had to be in your face...loved to be patted. He even asked Jesus to give her a pat this morning.

As we were leaving the house I noticed Greta was in but not Stella. We looked and Ryan spotted Stella. Charles and I both said..."No, that isn't her." But Ryan was correct. He was the one who picked her up and wrapped her for burial. We took her to Choctaw "Racoon Ridge" and Ryan buried her with some help from me. Charles couldn't help at the time.

She died a loved pet. We will miss her "speaking" to us as she often did when she wanted to play, eat, or go outside. Thank you Stella for all those wet kisses. She also gave me a precious Granddog, Huxley that lives with Kacy in Chicago.


Cutest Blog on the Block

The Cutest Blog on the Block CHECK IT OUT!!! I haven't had a chance to try out some of the neat items for blogging...but will soon!

One Week Later has been a week since the TV hit the floor. Many of you have asked how it all turned out. Here is the overview...
  • the morning after I tried to talk to the manager before I left for the conference but she did not come to work on time...and I had to leave
  • turned the "talking" over to Charles. I gave him her name and phone number. He called the last time at 10:30 am but no May Li
  • I talked to him after the conference as I was on my way to Hattiesburg and Charles summation was...They have us over a barrel. When May Li was asked about the TV, she said emphatically...I was going to pay. Charles became a fit frustrated trying to talk to her because she was a bit rude...and nothing makes him more upset than a young person being rude to elders.
  • Charles called Better Business Burea...fill out a complaint on the Internet...Called Quality Inn corporate office...that was a joke.
  • I considered stopping by as I left Gautier...but I was tired and really didn't want to go through what Charles went through.
  • I decided to call May Li. I enquired about the Inn having insurance...she said not for a TV...what if I had gotten hurt? What if a child had been hurt? I told her I should have stayed in the Hampton Inn across the street which has flat screen plasmas bolted on the wall ;-)
  • After 20 or so minutes with me trying to encourage her to do the QUALITY thing...we came to me paying half. IT IS NOT THE COST OF THE TV...I just wonder what is right?

Charles keeps checking the credit card to see if it has been posted...but it hasn't yet. So...TV or not TV...that is the question!



What fun...try Wordle. Thanks Glenda for introducing this to me. I had to do something to get my mind off of what happened tonight...if you haven't read...please read below.

Did I Do That?

All I can say did that happen? Here is my story and I am sticking to it. I had just arrived at the Quality Inn in Ocean Springs, MS. Upon entering my room I discovered to flush the commode I had to do the old fashion...take the back off and pull the chain inside! OK...I can handle that.

I turned the TV on to watch my favorite...So You Think You Can Dance...Katee and Josh are paired together gosh I had to...down to the last 6. Charles and I spoke on the phone to decide who we thought may make it on.

My computer was set up on the little table by the TV Console. It was on a swivel table and I swiveled it toward me as I was working on my computer...I had promised the last call I had before I left the RCU that I would have him in Blackboard site tonight so he could get ready for school tomorrow. I touched the TV to swivel...down it came to the floor. I called the front desk and said, "Ahhh...You aren't going to believe what just happened! The TV has fallen out and is busted!" And then I asked the first thing I could think of..."You do have insurance for something like this, don't you?" NO MA'M YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE TV! I tried to explain I was an almost 60 year old woman who wasn't jumping on the bed (yet) and the TV was not secured very well. I don't think I am going to win my case. She said she would have to talk to her manager.

I called back and said...well?? Could you come down and help me? She said..."I'm busy right now!" Oh she was busy alright...checking in Denise and Laura. The clerk told them someone from MSU had just busted a TV! Denise asked..."is it Marilyn Bowen???" Thank goodness Denise was next door...I am staying with her. I don't care what is on TV...I AM NOT touching it!

I walked up to the front one more time in tears and was confirmed that the busted TV is now mine...but I can talk to the manager in the morning. I called Charles and he said...get me the corporate number...I will be glad to call! Sweet Hubbie! Well, I will keep you posted what happens.

Laura, Denise and I are going to have a bite to eat...go to sleep. Poor Denise...I hope I don't keep her awake bawling...what an experience. OK..goodnight.


Surveys, Surveys, Surveys

Following is a survey that I saw on other people's blogs....(not necessarily people I am friends with either...that's right...I lurk!)

Survey One Word.

1. Where is your cell phone? mantle
2. Significant other? snoozing
3. Your hair? blondish-brown
4. Your mother? heaven
5. Your father? eighty-four
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? children
8. Your favorite drink? diet-coke
9. Your dream/goal? retirement
10. Room you're in? den
11. Your hobby? outside
12. Your fear? loss
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? retired
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? mean
16. Muffins? blueberry
17. One of your wish list items? camera
18. Where grew up? Natchez
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your pets? several
21. Your computer? addictive
22. Your life? content
23. Your mood? anxious
24. Missing someone? Kacy
25. Your car? Avalon
26. Something you're not wearing? socks
27. Favorite store? Books-A-Million
28. Your summer? hot
29. Your favorite color? green
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today

32. Who do you want to tag? Glenda


Tie Dye Duds

Here is Daley in his Tie Dye T-Shirt. This is one of the ones he created. Thanks Andrea for sending me his picture. Now all I need to do is get Brett's from Natalie.

May I make a suggestion. The
kit from Walmart was very strong dye. I guess that was good for the shirts...but bad for the hands. Even using the plastic hand gloves...was trouble.

Remembering back to the old days when I used
RIT for summer crafts when the kids were young...I don't remember having to wear dye on my hands for weeks.

It was fun doing it with 2nd Generation. Will add Brett's picture of his shirt.

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Blog Redo

As you can tell...I have had fun making my blog "stylish!" I noticed how cute Morgan Abraham had made their I asked her for help to make mine pretty too!!! She sent me to a wonderful blog designer's website. Please visit Leelou Blogs. There are several free designs on the right side bar of her site. Have a Ball!!

Leelou Blogs

Thank you Leelou for sharing your designs. I would love to learn how to create the different designs. Maybe soon...

I have been following So You Think You Can Dance The Top 10 show July 17 paired my favorite Katee with Will. The last dance they preformed was called Pas De Deux. It was absolutely beautiful. I posted it here...for one reason, so I can view at will! ;-) Well...I guess I will have to wait until I figure out HOW! HA...Donna Manning, I need you to tell me how to add a YouTube video to my blog!!!

Video coming attraction...until then here is the link!

So...if you are watching SYTYCD...who do you want to win???


Flash Rain

When I got home from Il, I had to take Rain a happy from Aunt Kacy...notice finger puppets! He had to show me his FLASH suit...too cute!

Pat and Chuck

We had a great visit on our way back from Chicago with Chuck and Pat Sexton (Charles' sister) in Decatur, Il. The weather was wonderful we sat out in the breeze most of our visit. They have 3 schnauzers also...Gracie (silver), Misty (small of Greta's puppies) and Chantilly Lace (black).



The last few weeks have been jam packed with wonderful family fun. The boys came and what a GREAT time we had. I am ashamed...the grandmother NEVER stopped long enough to get the camera out, charge it up, and take pictures. I have asked their mothers to take a picture with them in their tie-dyed T-shirts that we made. Coming Attraction.

Charles and I left, Saturday morning, June 28, 2008 for Chicago. We arrived at Kacy's apartment around 9:00pm...tired...but was so glad to see her. She lives in a precious apartment with Huxley, her dog and Talula (SP?), the cat. I can't believe we stayed 4 nights with her. Here is an overview of what we did...Charles and I braved the Red Line to downtown Chicago. I appreciate my two light town even more! We got off the line at the square of the Water Tower (the only building that survived the Chicago fire). As you can see, the jacket indicates it was a bit rainy and chilly. I thought it was GREAT!

Being the Chocoholics we was such fund to find ourselves and the corner of Hershey's and Ghiradelli. Of course whe headed in to Ghirdelli and sampled the wares. We looked across the
street and I spotted a store that would have caused Kacy as a young girl to go wild, so I thought of my 3 granddaughers and convinced Charles that we could go up a notch in the grand parent meter if we visted American Girl. Not only did we vist, but Christmas is now taken care of for the girls. Charles kept looking at me with skeptism, until you noticed a lilttle black velvet coat ensemble and picked it out for one of the dolls. We really did have a good time. The dolls we found were created to match the doll to the child. We studied each of the 30 or so possibilites to find one that matched Claire's suacy smile, Kali's dark eyes, and Alie Grace's animated face. As I was cashing out...he found a seat and watched hundreds come an go with a doll in tow. When we got back to Kacy's apartment and shared our advneture, she had a look of "wish I had been with you." She started reading American Girl books when they first came out...I guess at 12? It has gone a long way from a book collection. I have never seen as many outfits, different hair styles, a beauty shop for worn out har, and an emergency room for dolls who may have been handled too roughly by a brother or the family pet.
Kacy had gone with some friends so Charles and I decided to find lunch. The rainy weather made the SOUP BOX sign pop out! We both enjoyed soup and sourdough bread. So good. I wonder if I could open up a SoupBox in Eupora?

After the fun day, we went underground to catch the Red Line and listened to a young man play and sing for money. American Idol maybe?

Kacy, Charles, and I all chipped in to tasks to create a wonderful evening meal. Amy (who came to Mississippi to buy one of Greta's puppies...Eloise) came over to eat. Huxley and Eloise were so funny playing together. Off to sleep went Charles and Kacy and I visited until after midnight. On Monday morning I had such a wonderful experience. OK...this will bring grandmotherhood to a whole new level...Please view the next photos and imagine 30 or 40 dogs runnig the beach with owners near by throwing frisbies, tennis balls, wading in the COOOL water, and sunning.

The rules are posted...
Huxley sniffing out the big dogs. You can see others running by. It was such fun watching these dogs have so much fun.

After the beach we picked up Charles to go eat pizza that we have waited all year for. Last year we ate at Leona's and we couldn't wait for a return visit. Charles odered the ravioli he had before and Kacy and I shared a spinach pizza. It was as good this year as last. After Leona's it was tennis shoe shopping time. Made it back to the apartment...sleep...wake up to another fun day. We decided to forgo the TASTE of CHICAGO due to the crowds and too much walking. We will have to consider that on our next trip up.

Instead we went back downtown on the Red Line and found a Louisiana restaurant...Heaven on Seven. Needless to say...we ate good again. I can't believe it is getting close to leaving. We had to walk down to Fannie May's Candy Store to purchase Amy Sesser (daughter-in-law) her favorite Trinidads. Of course we got us some also. ;-)

I haven't mentioned that early every morning I would get Huxley and he and I would go walking. It was very comical to notice passerby's reactions when I would say, "Hello" or "Good Morning!" It was almost like a shock went across their face to be spoken to...I loved it!

OK...back to the downtown are a few snapshots!

Michigan Ave Big City...Tall Buildings goes without saying we had a great time in Chicago!!! Please visit the Photo Album located somewhere on the blog for more pictures. Kacy...we will be back next year if I haven't convinced you to come back closer to home!